Introductory Example
16 RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Developer’s Guide
instructions on writing an algorithm chooser. For the purposes of our example, we see
that the Reference Manual entry for AI_RC4 states that we should use
AM_RC4_ENCRYPT in our chooser. Include the following algorithm methods in
your chooser:
Surrender Context
The fourth argument of B_EncryptInit is a surrender context, which controls when
and how the application surrenders control during time-consuming operations. The
application developer can put together an
A_SURRENDER_CTX structure containing a
surrender function and other information. Crypto-C applications call this surrender
function at regular intervals.
The surrender function can simply print out information to the user that indicates that
the Crypto-C operation is currently executing, or it can provide the user with a means
of halting the operation if it is taking too much time. A surrender context is not
required; if none is desired, simply pass a properly cast
NULL_PTR. See “The Surrender
Context” on page 118 for a more detailed description of the
structure. For this example, we will use
We can now complete our call to
Saving the Object State (optional)
This step is optional. Refer to “Saving State” on page 120 for information on how to
receive a buffer that contains all of the data necessary to reconstruct the object, using
the call
B_SetAlgorithmState, to the state it was in at the time of calling the Get
routine. This can be done after B_EncryptInit and B_EncryptUpdate, or B_DecryptInit
and B_DecryptUpdate.
Step 4: Update
In Steps 1 through 3, we created our algorithm object and initialized it with the
AM_RC4_ENCRYPT for encryption
if ((status = B_EncryptInit
(rc4Encrypter, rc4Key, rc4EncryptChooser,