Chapter 2 Quick Start 9
Introductory Example
Introductory Example
The CD containing the Crypto-C library distribution also includes sample source code
to accompany this Developer’s Guide. One of the files on that CD,
introex.c, is an
example of converting the Introductory Example into a program. Later in this manual
are instructions on writing code for many Crypto-C operations. There are sample
programs on the CD to accompany all the topics covered.
With the RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Reference Manual handy, we will encrypt the sentence,
“Encrypt this sentence.” To do this, we will use what is called a stream cipher, that is,
an encryption method that encrypts data one character at a time, in a single stream.
The cipher we will use is called the RC4 cipher. This cipher can take a key size from 1
to 256 bytes. The RC4 cipher creates a “key stream” based on the key and XORs the
stream of data with the key stream to create ciphertext.
The example in this section corresponds to the file
Step 0: Include Files
You must include the following header file and the Crypto-C library in every
application you write using Crypto-C:
When writing a Crypto-C application, include
bsafe.h. If you want to use the
Selecting an Algorithm Chooser on page
15. In addition, you must compile and link in
tstdlib.c, which contains the memory
management functions called by the Crypto-C library.
Note: For backward compatibility, the BSAFE 2.x
include file names, global.h and
bsafe2.h, are still valid. If your source code contains the older names, you
should not have any problems.
Step 1: Creating an Algorithm Object
Whatever operation Crypto-C performs, it does so from an algorithm object. An
algorithm object is used to hold information about an algorithm’s parameters and to
keep a context during a cryptographic operation such as encryption or decryption.
For our example, we will build an algorithm object that performs encryption.
You build an algorithm object in Steps 1 to 3. As you go through these steps, you
#include “bsafe.h”