Chapter 4 Using Crypto-C 111
Algorithms in Crypto-C
Elliptic Curve DSA
AI_EC_DSA Raw ECDSA signature/verification
AI_EC_DSAWithDigest SHA1 digest followed by ECDSA signature/verification
Elliptic Curve Authenticated Encryption System
AI_EC_ES EC Authenticated Encryption System
Table 4-11 Bloom-Shamir Secret Sharing
Algorithm Info Type Description
AI_BSSecretSharing Bloom-Shamir secret sharing
Table 4-12 Hardware Interface
For use with hardware devices, when present. For information on the Intel hardware
security primitives, see the Intel Security Hardware User’s Guide, available on the Crypto-C
CD. For information on other hardware devices, see the documentation from your hardware manufacturer.
Algorithm Info Type Description
AI_HW_Random Provides access to random bytes generated by a hardware
AI_KeypairTokenGen Generates the token form of an RSA or DSA public/private
key pair
AI_SymKeyTokenGen Generates the token form of a DES, RC2, RC4, RC5, or TDES
symmetric key
AI_PKCS_OAEPRecode RSA raw or hardware encryption/decryption with OAEP
according to PKCS #1
AI_PKCS_OAEPRecodeBER RSA raw or hardware encryption/decryption with OAEP
according to PKCS #1
BER-encoded algorithm identifier
Table 4-10 Elliptic Curve Public-Key Cryptography (Continued)
Algorithm Info Type Description