© 2001 RSA Security Inc. All rights reserved. 001-019003-522-001-000
First printing: May 2001
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ACE/Server, BSAFE, Genuine RSA Encryption Engine, Keon, RC2, RC4, RC5, RSA,
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License agreement
This software and the associated documentation are proprietary and confidential to
RSA Security, are furnished under license, and may be used and copied only in
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Note on encryption technologies
This product may contain encryption technology. Many countries prohibit or restrict
the use, import, or export of encryption technologies, and current use, import, and
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Limit distribution of this document to trusted personnel.
RSA Security notice
The RC5® Block Encryption Algorithm With Data-Dependent Rotations is protected
by U.S. Patent #5,724,428 and #5,835,600.
The RC6™ Encryption Algorithm is the subject of pending U.S. and foreign patent
The DES implementation in this product contains code based on the "libdes" package
written by Eric A. Young (eay@pobox.com) and is included with his permission.
Compaq MultiPrime™ technology is protected by United States patent 5,848,159 and
is the subject of patent applications in other countries.
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