
SSttoorraaggee 󰃂󰃂󰆱󰆱󰂦󰂦󰎺󰎺
󰀏󰂎 Miniket Photo 󰁮󰃂󰆱󰂦󰎺0
11.. 󰃤󰃤 UUSSBB 󰂎󰂎
MMiinniikkeett PPhhoottoo 󰄮󰄮󰈸󰈸󰄙󰄙00
22.. 󰄙󰄙00
33.. 󰂎󰂎󰄔󰄔󰄔󰄔
44.. 󰓁󰓁 [[PPOOWWEERR]] 󰀏󰀏
MMiinniikkeett PPhhoottoo00
55.. 󰐖󰐖󰔓󰔓󰌮󰌮󰀏󰀏󰁤󰁤00
Windows XP 󰗂󰂎󰘁󰈎󰌙󰏔󰕊0
󰀏󰐖󰃤󰌮󰕟0 󰌮󰕊 <Miniket>
󰀏󰕟 SD 󰕊 <Removable Disk>0
󰅺 Windows XP 󰈟 󰂎󰕊Removable
Disk󰃤0 󰕊 D 󰖹 E 󰁤D 󰂎󰕟
SD 󰀜 E 󰂎󰌮0
66.. 󰂎󰂎󰃤󰃤󰅶󰅶󰄙󰄙󰘧󰘧󰀏󰀏󰅶󰅶󰌮󰌮󰌮󰌮󰖣󰖣
󰕟󰕟 SSDD 00
󰂭󰂭 WWiinnddoowwss XXPP 󰈋󰈋
<Miniket> - <MISC>
󰌮󰌮󰕟󰕟 SSDD
<Removable Disk> - <MISC>
77.. 󰘧󰘧󰓁󰓁00
󰂭󰃤 Miniket Photo 󰂦󰎺󰃤󰁬󰕒0
󰂭󰁬󰃶󰅕󰈋󰓁 USB 󰂎󰘁󰄴󰈭󰃶󰊂󰘁󰘽
󰂎󰂦󰎺󰄮󰄙󰖣 USB 󰉾󰘁󰎻 Miniket
Photo 󰐣/󰂦󰊔0
You can use your Miniket Photo as a mass storage device.
1. Connect the Miniket Photo to the
PC with the provided USB cable as
shown in the figure.
2. Turn on your PC.
3. Turn the Mode Dial to Storage
4. Press the [POWER] button to turn
on the Miniket Photo.
5. Select the memory to use the
removable disk.
Windows XP:Dialog windows may
pop up overlapped.
You can select desired memory type.Internal memory is
displayed<Miniket>and mini SD card is displayed <Removable
Other than Windows XP: It appears to have two instances of
“Removable Disk”. If it displays D and E drives as removable
disks, D is the mini SD Memory Card and E is the internal
6. After copying to desired files on PC,you can copy to
memory(Internal memory or mini SD card).
In Windows XP
Internal Memory: <Miniket> - <MISC>
External Memory (mini SD Card): <Removable Disk> -
7. When finished, disconnect the USB cable.
[ Warning ]
You cannot create a new folder on your Miniket Photo set.
If you create a new folder on your mini SD card using a PC, it will
not appear on the set.
[ Notes ]
Disconnecting the USB cable while the data transfer will stop the
data transfer and might damage the data stored.
Multiple USB devices connected to a PC or using USB hubs may
cause communication / installation errors with the Miniket Photo.
Pop up dialogs will appear differently whether the memory has files
or not.
Storage Mode:
Using as a Mass Storage Device
Using as a Mass Storage Device