Programming the remote control
Programming the remote control
TELEVISION (continued)
Brand names Code numbers
Luxman 10056
LXI 10047, 10054, 10154,
10156, 10178
Magnavox 10054, 10030, 10706,
Majestic 10016
Marantz 10054, 10030
Matsushita 10250, 10650
Megatron 10178, 10145
Memorex 10154, 10250, 10463,
10150, 10178, 10179,
MGA 10150, 10030, 10178
Midland 10047, 10017, 10051
Minutz 10021
Mitsubishi 10093, 10150, 11250,
Monivision 10843, 10700
Motorola 10093
MTC 10060, 10030, 10056
Multitech 10180
NAD 10156, 10178, 10866
NEC 10030, 11704, 10056,
Nikko 10030, 10178, 10092
Norcent 10748, 10824
NTC 10092
Onwa 10180
Optimus 10154, 10250, 10166,
Optonica 10093
Orion 10236, 10463, 10179
Panasonic 10250, 10051, 10650
Penney 10047, 10156, 10051,
10060, 10030, 10178,
Philco 10054, 10030
Philips 10054, 10690
Pilot 10030
Pioneer 10166, 10866, 10679
Portland 10092
Prima 10761, 10783
Princeton 10700
Prism 10051
TELEVISION (continued)
Brand names Code numbers
Proscan 10047, 11447
Proton 10178, 10466
Pulsar 10017
Quasar 10250, 10051, 10650
RadioShack 10047, 10154, 10180,
10030, 10178, 10056
RCA 10047, 10090, 10679,
Realistic 10154, 10180, 10030,
10178, 10056
Runco 10017, 10030, 10603
Sampo 10030, 11755
Samsung 10060, 10702, 10030,
10178, 10814, 10766,
Sansui 10463
Sanyo 10154
Scotch 10178
Scott 10236, 10180, 10178,
Sears 10047, 10054, 10154,
10156, 10178, 10171,
10056, 10179
Sharp 10093, 10818, 10689,
10688, 10851
Sheng Chia 10093
Signature 10016
Sony 10000, 10834
Soundesign 10180, 10178, 10179
Squareview 10171
SSS 10180
Starlite 10180
Supreme 10000
SVA 10748
Sylvania 10054, 10030, 10171
Symphonic 10180, 10171
Tandy 10093
Technics 10250, 10051
Technol Ace 10179
Techwood 10051, 10056
Teknika 10054, 10180, 10150,
10060, 10092, 10016,
10179, 10056
Telefunken 10702, 10056
TELEVISION (continued)
Brand names Code numbers
TMK 10178, 10056, 10177
TNCi 10017
Toshiba 10154, 10156, 10060,
10650, 11704, 10845
TVS 10463
Vector Research 10030
Victor 10053
Vidikron 10054
Vidtech 10178
Viewsonic 11755
Wards 10054, 10030, 10178,
10866, 10016, 10179,
10021, 10056
Waycon 10156
White Westinghouse 10463
Yamaha 10030
Zenith 10017, 10463, 10178,
10092, 10016
Brand names Code numbers
Admiral 20048, 20209
Adventura 20000
Aiko 20278
Aiwa 20037, 20000
America Action 20278
American High 20035
Asha 20240
Audiovox 20037, 20278
Beaumark 20240
Bell & Howell 20104
Broksonic 20184, 20121, 20209,
20002, 21479, 20479
Calix 20037
Canon 20035
Carver 20081
CCE 20072, 20278
Citizen 20037, 20278, 21278
Colt 20072
Craig 20037, 20047, 20240,
VCR (continued)
Brand names Code numbers
Curtis Mathes 20060, 20035, 20162,
Cybernex 20240
Daewoo 20045, 20278, 21278
Denon 20042
Durabrand 20039, 20038
Dynatech 20000
Electrohome 20037
Electrophonic 20037
Emerex 20032
Emerson 20037, 20184, 20000,
20121, 20043, 20209,
20002, 20278, 21278,
20479, 21479
Fisher 20047, 20104
Fuji 20035, 20033
Funai 20000
Garrard 20000
GE 20060, 20035, 20240,
21060, 21035, 20807
Go Video 20432
GoldStar 20037, 20038, 21237
Gradiente 20000
Harley Davidson 20000
Harman/Kardon 20081, 20038
Harwood 20072
HI-Q 20047
Hitachi 20000, 20042
Hughes Network Systems 20042
JVC 20067
KEC 20037, 20278
Kenwood 20067, 20038
KLH 20072
Kodak 20035, 20037
Lloyd's 20000
Logik 20072
LXI 20037
Magnasonic 21278
Magnavox 20035, 20039, 20081,
20000, 21781
Magnin 20240
Marantz 20035, 20081
Marta 20037
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