S.M.A.R.T. Alarm
The S.M.A.R.T. ALARM option is a preset function that triggers an alarm relay
when the DVR HDD exceeds the temperature threshold configured on the
SYSTEM > DISK SETUP > S.M.A.R.T. page. This function is preconfigured to
set an alarm relay to ON and N/C. When the HDD exceeds the temperature
threshold, the alarm relay will open. When the temperature is at a safe level
again the alarm will close.
Note SET and CLEAR are used to test the alarm relay operation. SET is
used to manually activate all relays that are set to ON. CLEAR is
used to manually deactivate all relays.
CH – Channels 1~8 / Channels 9~16
Alarm – OFF / 1~4 [Associate an alarm relay with a channel].
Delay – 0~100 Seconds [Delay time before relay activates].
Duration – 0~100 Seconds [Time that the relay is active].
Preset – 0~100 [Enable PTZ camera to move to a preset position when an
event occurs. See PTZ Control for more information.]
NOTIFY – BUZZER/POPUP [Type of alarm with event].