
HRDP DVR User Guide
Document 800-06801 Rev D 53
Network Configuration continued
WEB PORT – Defines the port that Internet Explorer uses to connect
over the web and view video. If this port is changed then the new port
must be defined when attempting to web connect (ex: if your DVR IP
address is and you change the web port to 800, then you
must type in your browser).
MAX TRANSFER SPEED – Set network bandwidth. This feature is
used for slower internet connections to throttle the amount of data the
DVR sends across the network at a time.
DDNS – DDNS (Dynamic Domain Name Service) is a service that allows a
connection to an IP address using a hostname (URL) address instead of a
numeric IP address. Most Internet Service Providers use Dynamic IP
Addressing that frequently changes the public IP address of your internet
connection; this means that remote connections through HFVMS and HRDP
Remote would require frequent updates. DDNS automatically redirects traffic
to your current IP address when using the hostname address (i.e.
DDNS SERVERThe current DDNS server.
HOST NAME – Hostname for the DDNS server account.
ID – Username for the DDNS server account.
PASSWORD – Password for the DDNS server account.
STATUS – Checks DDNS settings by attempting to communicate with the
DDNS Server.