Honeywell HXCT16X Home Theater Server User Manual

Keyboard Character Set 1 :
Keyboard Character Set 2 :
Keyboard Character Set 3 :
Keyboard Character Set 4 :
Keyboard Character Set 5 :
Exit :
A to Z (upper case)
a to z (lower case)
Saves your changes and returns to the Main Menu.
BLANK !"#$%&'()*+,-./0to9
äçèéêëìíîïñòóôöùúûü Keyboard Character Set 6 :
Camera Sequence Setup
< Figure 12 > Camera Sequence Setup screen.
This screen allows you to set the order in which the cameras appear
when the multiplexer is in sequence mode. You can also set the how
long each camera will display from Off to 99 seconds.