3 Select a category (then a sub
category if any)
of the POI.
The result is listed in the order of distance
from the place where you are.
4 Select a POI from the list.
Searching for a place
POI near a place/route (
You can search for a POI around the place
where you are now. While guided, you can also
search for a POI near the destination or along
the route.
1 Call up Destination Menu.
You can search for a POI around a place
on the map through Shortcut Menu ]
. Follow steps 3 and 4
above after selecting
5 Input the street name.
• You can also select the center of the city.
(The list of city centers may appear.) You
do not have to input the house number in
this case.
• Select the area to search from the list if
Select Area
is displayed.
6 Input the house number.
• You can also select the entire street or an
intersection on the street.
• If no data of house number for the
selected street is available in the database,
this step is skipped.
Select Category 1/3
All Categories
Gas station
Area: Local Change
While guided, select the area to search if
Local Area
: within 1.2 mi (2 km) of
your current position. If no POI is
found in this area, the System expands
the area to search.
Near Destination
: within 1.2 mi (2 km)
of the destination. If no POI is found in
this area, the System expands the area
to search.
Along Route
: 30 mi (50 km) along the
route you are taking.
Select Area
Local Area
Near Destination
Along Route
Select Category 1/3
All Categories
Gas station
Area: Local Change
KDNX5000_J.indb 29KDNX5000_J.indb 29 23/1/07 6:59:44 pm23/1/07 6:59:44 pm