Special Features
Your new High De ni tion bi gscr een t el evi si on
has many special features that make it the per-
fect addition to your home entertainment system.
Below we have highlighted a handful.
Fully Integrated HDTV
Your Mitsubishi bigscreen TV can receive all
approved terrestrial broadcast digital signals,
non-scrambled digital cable signals, terrestrial
analog signals and non-scrambled analog cable
signals that use a standard offset carrier system.
Further, your TV will display all High De ni tion
signals as 1080i True HDTV™ and all standard
de ni tion si gnal s wi ll be di spl ayed as 480p.
NetCommand™Home Network Con-
trol System
NetCommand™ features and technology patent
Your Mitsubishi bigscreen HDTV offers a new
level of networking to combine selected older
products with new and future digital products.
NetCommand™ supports IEEE 1394 connec-
tions, HAVi (Home Audio Video Interoperability)
Control system, Audio Video Control system
(AV/C), 5C copy protection and IR control of
selected older products such as VCRs, DVD
players, cable boxes or satellite receivers. All
operating in a similar manner using on-screen
graphical menus and a single remote control.
See the NetCommand™ Guide for instructions
on how to use this feature.
Wide Screen Picture Format
You will be able to view pictures as the directors
intended you to see them. Both DTV and DVD’s
supporting the widescreen format will enable you to
enjoy a theater feel in the comfort of your home.
PIP/POP Viewing Option
Using Picture-in-Picture and Picture-outside-Pic-
ture will give you exciting options for viewing
your favorite programs.
V-Chip Technology
Your Mitsubishi bigscreen will allow you to
restrict viewing of programming by general con-
tent, category contents, or even by time.
Part I: Thank You
Unpacking Your New TV / Special Features
Unpacking Your New TV
Please take a moment to review the follow-
ing list of items to ensure that you have
received everything included:
Remote Control
(2) AAA Batteries
(1) Digital Audio Cable
(1) Quadruple IR Emitter Cable
Product Registration Card
Owner’s Guide
Quick Reference Card
et NetCommand™ Guide
Connection Con gur at ion Di agr ams
Remote Control
(2) AAA Batteries
(1) Double IR Emitter Cable
(1) Quadruple IR Emitter Cable
(1) Digital Audio Cable
(1) Double IR Emitter Cable