Connections & Setup
.t USA
Step 1: Identifying Your TV's Location
1. 1["your counu'y is highlig]ltcd, press OK on the remote __onno].
If your country isn't I'fighlighted. press the up or down anox,, button on the
remote contlx)] to highlig]it your country and pl'c+ss OK.
Use the number buttons on you[ remote to enter your zip code.
Press OK when you're finished.
Note: []3'ot+rpostal code coHtailh+ I+)tlg,rs, plz<%" tbe lip alld Nolell arrote
buttons (_pl your remote to c;tter letters, and press the right arrow button
to go to the n_vt space. 7be lq[? at'rou, button moves you to the left.
Step 2: Configuring for Cable
The next series of screens asks you about your cable setup. To supply your TV
with the correct TV program listings, the GUIDE Plus+ system needs to know if
your TV is connected to cable.
1. If your TV is connected to cable, highlight Yes and press OK.
If your TV isn't connected to cable, highlight No and press OK (STEP3:
Config,uring for a VCR appears).
If you have a Cable box connected to this TV, highlight Yes and press OK on
your remote control.
Note: The next se*qes of screens is very important because the GUIDE
Plus+ s},stem must find the correct cable box #u_ormation in order to
receive the correct 7q/program h-_+tings.
If you don't have a cable box connected to this "IV, highlight A'o and
press OK (STEP 3. Configttring for a VCR appears).
If you're not sure which channel is the
cable box's output channel, consult
the book that came with your cable
box or contact your cable compan)_
16 Chapter I