No picture, no sound but power light
is on
Sound okay, picture poor
Picture okay, sound poor
! •
I •
• Channel may not be in Channel Memory. Try pressing number buttons.
• If using VCR, check to make sure TV/VCR switch on VCR is in correct
• To select cable channels 100 thru 128, press number button 1 until 1--
appears. Then press other two number buttons. CABLE/AIR function must
be in CABLE mode to select channels higher than 69.
• Channel may be locked-out with Parental Control feature,
• May be a weak station. Change STEREO/SAP function to MONO setting
instead of STEREO.
• Maybe someone changed CABLE/AIR function to wrong position.
• Maybe a vacant channel is tuned.
• For Channels 90,91, and 92, make sure the component connected to those
INPUT jacks is turned on in order to see the picture.
• If watching VCR (connected only through antenna input), make sure TV is
tuned to channel 3 or 4--same as CH3/CH4 switch on VCR. Also check to
make sure TV/VCR switch on VCR is in correct position.
Check antenna connections.
Try adjusting SHARPNESS function to improve weak signals.
No stereo on known stereo Station • Make sure STEREO/SAP function is in STEREO mode.
Can't get two channels in Pix-in-Pix •
* Try another channel.
• Try adjusting VOLUME, BASS, and TREBLE controls.
• If station is sending stereo, try changing STEREO/SAP function to MONO
setting for clearer sound.
Try adjusting SRS (O) controls to turn SRS (O) off or on.
If using the VCR1 or VCR2*LD button, make sure it is programmed to select
the proper video input channel as described on page 26.
If Using an S-VHS component, make sure its regular VIDEO cable is
connected to INPUT 1 VIDEO jack on the TV.
If usrag a VCR, make sure the AUDIO and VIDEO OUT jacks on the VCR
are connected to the TV's AUDIO and VIDEO IN jacks.
No picture while Using Pix-in-Pix,
with S-VHS VCR or camcorder
Small picture does not have color.
If you have an S-VHS VCR (or camcorder) connected, you must also
connect a cable from the VCR's VIDEO OUT jack to the TV's corresponding
VIDEO IN jack in addition to the S-VHS cable.
The small picture will not have color if the large picture signal does not have
the color burst reference. All color signals and some black-and-white signals
are sent with color burst information. Try changing channels of the large
Remote no longer controls cable box, • Try not to press any buttons on the remote while changing its batteries. You
VCR or audio equipment may have to reprogram the proper code into the remote.