Samsung SL10D10 Satellite TV System User Manual

Intro duction
Abo ut Y our User Guid e
Cha pter 1
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section title
look here for
page # and chapter
About Your User Guide
Before you ca n star t enjoyi ng you r new
Syst em and ser vice, you’ ll nee d
to kno w more abou t get ting e veryt hin
g u p an d ru nning , as well a s lea rn a ll a
navig ating a round our TV world .
This Use r’s Guide wil l walk you thr ough
how to connec t your equipm ent and other aud io/video
compone nts, show the pe rsonali zed fine
-tune s you’ll nee d to make, and ex plain how to activa
pro grammi ng. You’l l fi nd ful l deta ils o n al
l of our e asy-to-fol low sys tem feat ures. Plus,
there’s importa nt safety, t roubleshoo ting
warr anty in formation .
For some quick refe rences for using an d setti
ng up yo ur system , check out handy in fo on:
• the
remote contro l…on the ma nual ins ide fron
t cover
• helpf ul equip ment defi nitions…on page 7
• glossa ry of
icons…on the insi de back cove r
• impor tant phon e numbers & resource s…
on the back cover
If you ’re havin g your system p rofessiona lly
ins talled , you ma y want t o just j ump ahe ad to ou
Guid ed
Set up sectio n on page 26 and go from t
here. B e sure, t hough, to thorough ly check o ut
the Sa fety and Precautio ns portio n of the
next se ction fi rst!
So, rea dy to get s tarted ?
Just tu rn the pa ge!
Welco me
Congratulations on choosing the best enter
tainment experience around!
With its astounding variety of channels and c
hoices, crisp digital-quality picture and sound, and
one-of-a-kind sports and events … DIRECTV
service offers everything you’d want in y
television experience. You can expect more than ev
er before, with access to over
225 channels, including over 30 premium mo
vie channels, with something sure to please
everyone in the family. DIRECTV
Pay Per View offers a handy choice in recent hit mo
vies, plus
exciting live sports, concerts and specials
. There’s exclusive sports subscriptions for ev
ery taste and
team. Even 31 commercial-free music c
To deliver this unique
programming and enhance your enter
tainment experience, the
System has been designed to be simple and
user-friendly. You’ll fi nd that most system
features are self-explanatory, with on-screen directions to lead y
ou through them.
So, welcome to the family. You’re sure to disco
ver that using and watching TV is easier
and more enjoyable than ever
look here for
chapter title
look here for
page # and
section title
About Your User Guide
Before you can start enjoying your new Samsung
Fliptop powered by DIRECTV
and service, you’ll
need to know more about getting everything up and running, as well as learn all about how to use
our great features.
This User Guide will walk you through how to connect your equipment and other
Audio/Video (A/V) components, show how to customize your setup, and explain how to activate
your programming. You’ll fi nd full details on all of our easy-to-follow system features.
Plus, there’s important safety, troubleshooting and warranty information.
For some quick references for using and setting up your system, check out handy info on:
the remote control… inside front cover
helpful equipment defi nitions… page 7
glossary of icons… inside back cover
important phone numbers & resources… back cover
If you’re having your system professionally installed, be sure to thoroughly check out the
Safety & Care section, then you may want to go ahead and skip to Guided Setup & Activation on
page 22.
Ready to get started? Just turn the page!
Chapter 1
About Your User Guide