Auto Power On and Off system- Automati-
cally turns the TV/VCR on as you insert the
cassette, and turns off after auto-rewind, ejects
when reaches beginning of the tape.
Three Different Record/Playback Speed- Se-
lect the SP mode (Standard play), LP mode
(Long play) and SLP mode (Super long play)
for up to eight hours of recording/playback
with a T-160 tape.
• On-Screen-Display- All major operating and
programming functions appear on your TV
screen for operating convenience.
• On Screen Selectable language for English or
• Automatic Playback Speed Selection- Auto-
matically selects the proper playback speed
even if you set speed select to different mode.
• 1 Year, 8 Event Timer (including daily and
weekly)- The built-in timer allows you to re- •
cord up to 7 programs at different times on
different channels up to I year in advance. The
Quick Set Program feature uses program num-
ber 8. Also a daily timer will allow recordings •
to be made of daily broadcasts and the weekly
timer will allow recording to be made once a
week up to the end of the tape.
Quick Set Program- The Quick Set Program
allows you to easily record one program within
24 hours.
Picture Search- You may view the video pro-
gram at a high speed in either a forward or
reverse direction.
STILL- "Freeze" the picture at any time, for
close viewing of a particular scene.
PLL Frequency Synthesizer Tuner with 181
Channel Cable-compatible with Direct sta-
tion Call- (A CATV Box may be necessary to
view pay CATV channels.)
31 Buttons Infrared Remote control- Allows
you to use most of control from a remote loca-
Rental Play Mode-Improves playback picture
quality of worn tapes, especially rental tapes.
Auto Repeat Play back- Let you set the
TV/VCR to automatically repeat a tape when
it reaches the end.
CCS (Closed Caption System)- You may
watch dramas, movies and news etc. with cap-
tioning the dialogues, if you want. (see page 30)
• AC/DC Operation (see page 12)