Table of Contents
Important Safety Precautions .......................................... 2
Safety Instructions ........................................................... 3
Secbon I : InWoduction ............................................ 1 * 1
1.1. Unpacking ....................................................... 1 * 3
1-2. Precautions and recommendations.. ................ 1 * 3
1-3. Compatible cassette tapes * ............................... 1 3
1.4. Available recording/play time.. . . ..................... 1 * 4
1.5. Backup facility.. 1 * .............................................. 4
Hookup example ..................................................... 1 . 5
Section 2 : General Guide.. 2 * ...................................... 1
Section 3 : Formatting a Tape.. - ................................ 3 1
3.1. How to format a tape (basic operation). ......... .3 * 1
3.2. Real-time, simultaneous tape format .............. 3 * 2
Section 4 : Recording.. ............................................. 4 * 1
4-1. Recording analog input (basic operation). ...... 4 * 1
4-2. Recording digital input.. .................................. 4 * 3
4-3. Punch in/out editing.. ...................................... 4 * 4
4-4. Crossfade time setting.. ................................... 4 * 8
4-5. Preroll time setting.. ........................................ 4 - 8
4.6. Post1011 time setting ........................................ 4 * 9
4.7. Copying tracks * ................................................ 4 9
4.8. Dithering the re-quantization noise.. ............. 4 - 14
Section 5 : Playback.. 5 * ............................................... 1
5.1. Basic playback procedure * ............................... 5 1
5.2. Shuttling the tape 5 * ............................................ 1
5-3. Variable speed play 5 - ......................................... 2
5.4. Setting locations.. 5 -
............................................ 3
5.5. Repeat play.. 5 . .................................................... 4
5.6. Delaying tracks ............................................... 5 * 5
Section 6 : Autolocation.. .......................................... 6 * 1
6-1. Autolocating to either of two location points,, 6 * 1
6-2. Setting autolocation preroll time.. ................... 6 + 1
6-3. The auto play function .................................... 6 * 2
Section 7 : Syncing Multiple DA-3%. * ...................... 7 1
7-1. Hooking up multiple DA-38s.. 7 * ....................... 1
7.2. Selecting a machine ID number.. * .................... 7 2
7-3. How to sync the slave units to the master ..-.. 7 * 2
7.4. Offsetting slave units * ...................................... 7 3
7-5. Digital dubbing between DA-38s ................... 7 * 4
Section 6 : Convolling the DA-36 from Menus.. .... 8 * 1
8.1. General.. .......................................................... 8 . 1
8.2. Using the built-in oscillator.. * ........................... 8 2
8.3. Initializing the backup memory ...................... 8 * 3
8.4. Selecting a TDIF input bit length.. .................. 8 - 4
Section 9 : Monitor and Other Capabilhies ............ 9 * 1
9-1. Monitor functions.. 9 * .......................................... 1
9.2. Capabilities to assist in saving your time ........ 9 * 3
9.3, To see the system version.. 9 - .............................. 3
Section 10 : Maintenance.. ..................................... 10 * 1
10.1. Errorratedisplay ........................................ 10 * 1
10-2. Cleaning the heads.. .................................... 10 * 2
10.3. Head drum utilized time display.. ............... 10 * 3
Section ii : Appendices ........................................ 11 - 1
11.1. Specifications .............................................. 11 * 1
11.2. Optional accessories 11 * ................................... 2
11.3. Error messages explained ........................... 11 * 3