Suggestion : Each time you start recording, that
point is automatically stored into nwnory, erasing the
previous one. You can prognzm the DA-38 to punch in
at that point, as discussed later, psgs 4 - 7, paragraph
7 To tenninate recording, press STOP.
Suggestion : Each time recording is stopped, that
point is automatically stored into nwnory, erasing the
previous one. You con px~gram the DA-38 to punch
out at that point, as discussed later, page 4 * 7, par-a-
wph (4).
When you have. the DA-38 drop out of record to
rewind or fast-forward too, that point is saved.
8 To prevent the tracks from accidentally erasing, press
the tracks’ associated REC FUNCTION switches off.
l You cannot change the samp/ing rate when record-
ing is in progress.
. /f You start a new recording at the same time as the
tape format from the end of the existing recording
(“assemble’?, the tape is recorded and formatted at
the previous sampling rate. When preparing to
record from the end of the previous take and to
continue to format the tape, first rewind the tape to
a formatted silence section. Avoid staffing record-
ing and formatting from a non-recorded and
unformatted blank section.
(2) REC FUNCTION-triggered Recording
l For the hookup, refer to a diagram shown in Section l if
l Understand the Important Notices on the previous page.
0 Adjust the mixer’s level controls or the output level of
the source unit so high as possible without causing
overscale reading on the DA-38’s meter.
0 Perfom steps I through 3 under the paragraph, Using
Then, follow these steps.
Making sure that all the REC FUNCTION switches
are released, hold RECORD and press PLAY. The
tape will start playing and the RECORD button will
start blinking.
Press the REC FUNCTION switch for the track(s)
you want to record on. The pressed REC FUNCTION
switches’ associated LEDs will light solidly, and the
RECORD button the sane.
. If the is write-protected, the deck goes into
Play mode.
To stop recording, press STOP.