TechniSat DIGITY CI Operating Manual Satellite TV System User Manual

b) Receiver: Intermediate frequency or 1.IF 950 to 2150 MHz
Unit Description Cycles per second
1 Hz 1 Hertz 1
1 kHz 1 Kilohertz 1.000
1 MHz 1 Megahertz 1.000.000
1 GHz 1 Gigahertz
LNB/LNC (Low Noise block converter):
The receiving unit at the focal point of the parabolic dish
antenna. Converts the satellite frequency range to that of the
intermediate frequency of the receiver
Local oscillator frequency, stated in MHz or GHz, differs
depending on the LNB and frequency range received.
Receiving frequency of the receiver = broadcast frequency of
the satellite - LOF
Modulation at 22 KHz
Next to the 14/28 Volt switching facility, this serves to switch
between 2 LNBs. When used with a Universal LNB it serves
to switch to the high band
Switching facility in the satellite receiver or video recorded,
used to connect to the television set using antenna cable
determines whether a mono or a stereo programme will be
External installation consisting of a single parabolic dish and
several LNBs, used to receive signals from several satellites
Parabolic dish:
Dish antenna with parabolic shape, made of metal or coated
synthetics, serves to focus the electromagnetic waves
received from the satellite in a focal point
Polarisation plane:
In order to better utilise the available frequency range,
satellites will broadcast neighbouring frequencies using
opposite polarisation (horizontal and vertical, or dextrorotatory
and laevorotatory). To receive both polarisation planes you
will require two single LNBs or a single V/H LNB.
Designation of a satellite, usually coupled with its orbital
ASTRA 19° East
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