7.1 Recording a program 41
To make a timer recording, se-
lect the Timer Setting menu;
then a timer list appears.
To add a new timer entry, press the button, and then a
timer edit box appears.
You have to set the Record option to On to record a program.
If this option is set to Off, the digital receiver will be turned
on at a speified time but not record; instead, you may record a
program with your video recorder in this case.
If you want to record a radio program, set the Type option to
Radio. Otherwise set to TV.
Set the Service parameter to the service which provides the
program you want. Pressing the
OK button on this parameter
displays a service list in which you can select a desired service.
There are 5 timer modes:
One Time means literally ‘one time’ as it stands.
Every Day means literally ‘every day’ as it stands.
Every Weekend means ‘Saturday and Sunday per week’.
Weekly means ‘one day per week’.
Every Weekday means ‘from Monday to Friday per week’.
If your favorite program is broadcasted at weekend and you
wish to record every episode of the program, set the Mode
option to Every Weekend.