VXI VT1529A/B Universal Remote User Manual

VT1422A Command Reference 237Chapter 7
The ALGorithm command subsystem provides:
Definition of user defined control algorithms
Communication with algorithm array and scalar variables
Controls to enable or disable individual loop algorithms
Control of ratio of number of scan triggers per algorithm execution
Control of loop algorithm execution speed
Easy definition of algorithm data conversion functions
Subsystem Syntax ALGorithm
:ARRay ’<alg_name>’,’<array_name>’,<array_block>
:ARRay? ’<alg_name>’,’<array_name>’
:DEFine ’<alg_name>’[,<swap_size>],<program_block>
:SCALar ’<alg_name>’,’<var_name>’,<value>
:SCALar? ’<alg_name>’,’<var_name>’
:SCAN:RATio ’<alg_name>’,<value>
:SCAN:RATio? ’<alg_name>’
:SIZe? ’<alg_name>’
[:STATe] ’<alg_name>’,ON | OFF
[:STATe]? ’<alg_name>’
:TIME? ’<alg_name>’
:FUNCtion:DEFine ’<function_name>’,<range>,<offset>,<block_data>
:OUTPut:DELay <usec> | AUTO
:CHANnel <channel_item>
:WINDow <num_updates>
ALGorithm[:EXPLicit]:ARRay ’<alg_name>’,’<array_name>’,<array_block>
places values of <array_name> for algorithm <alg_name> into the Update Queue.
This update is then pending until ALG:UPD is sent or an update event (as set by
Note ALG:ARRAY places a variable update request in the Update Queue.
Do not place more update requests in the Update Queue than are allowed by the
current setting of ALG:UPD:WINDOW or a "Too many updates – send
ALG:UPDATE command' error message will be generated.