312 VT1422A Command Reference Chapter 7
The OUTPut subsystem is involved in programming source SCPs as well as
controlling the state of VXIbus TTLTRG lines 0 through 7.
Subsystem Syntax OUTPut
:AMPLitude <amplitude>,(@<ch_list>)
:AMPLitude? (@<channel>)
[:STATe] 1 | 0 | ON | OFF,(@<ch_list>)
[:STATe]? (@<channel>)
:POLarity NORMal | INVerted,(@<ch_list>)
:POLarity? (@<channel>)
:SHUNt 1 | 0 | ON | OFF,(@<ch_list>)
:SHUNt? (@<channel>)
:SOURce INT | EXT,(@<ch_list>)
:SOURce? (@<channel>)
:SHUNt? (@<channel>)
:SOURce TRIGger | FTRigger | SCPlugon | LIMit
[:STATe] 1 | 0 | ON | OFF
:TYPE PASSive | ACTive,(@<ch_list>)
:TYPE? (@<channel>)
:AMPLitude <amplitude>,(@<ch_list>)
:AMPLitude? (@<channel>)
OUTPut:CURRent:AMPLitude <amplitude>,(@<ch_list>) sets the VT1505A
Current Source SCP channels specified by <ch_list> to either 488 µA or 30 µA.
This current is typically used for four-wire resistance and resistance temperature
Note This command does not set current amplitude on SCPs like the VT1532A Current
Output SCP.