356 VT1422A Command Reference Chapter 7
Comments • See “Linking Input Channels to EU Conversion” on page 109
• The VT1422A has five ranges: 0.0625 V dc, 0.25 V dc, 1 V dc, 4 V dc, and
16 V dc. To select a range, simply specify the range value (for example, 4 selects
the 4 V dc range). If a value is specified that is larger than one of the first four
ranges, the VT1422A selects the next higher range (for example, 4.1 selects the
16 V dc range). Specifying a value larger than 16 causes an error. Specifying 0
selects the lowest range (0.0625 V dc). Specifying AUTO selects auto range.
The default range (no range parameter specified) is auto range.
• If using amplifier SCPs or RSCs, set them first and keep their settings in mind
when specifying a range setting. For instance, if the expected signal voltage is
to be approximately 0.1 V dc and the amplifier SCP for that channel has a gain
of 8, <range> must be set no lower than 1 V dc or an input out-of-range condition
will exist.
• The <type> parameter specifies the sensor type that will be used to determine
the temperature of the isothermal reference panel. <type> CUSTom is
pre-defined as Type E with 0°C reference junction temp and cannot be redefined.
• For <type> THERmistor, the <sub_type> parameter may be specified in ohms
or kilohms.
• The *CAL? command calibrates resistance channels based on Current Source
SCP and Sense Amplifier SCP setup at the time of execution. If SCP settings
are changed, those channels are no longer calibrated. *CAL? must be executed
• Related Commands: SENSE:FUNC:TEMP
• *RST Condition: Reference temperature is 0°C.
• Send with VXIplug&play Function: hpe1422_cmd(...)
Usage SENSE:REF RTD,92,(@120)
sense the reference temperature on
channel 20 using an RTD
SENSE:REF THER,5000,(@113)
sense the reference temperature on
channel 113 using a 5k thermistor
Range of
type discrete (string) THERmistor | RTD | CUSTom none
sub_type numeric (float32)
numeric (float32)
for THER, use 5000
for RTD, use 85 | 92
for CUSTom, use 1
range numeric (float32) see comments
ch_list channel list (string) 100 - 15731 none