Command Reference Guide ATM Sub-Interface Config Command Set
61200510L1-35E Copyright © 2005 ADTRAN 740
dial-backup schedule [day | enable-time | disable-time]
Use the dial-backup schedule command to set the time of day that backup will be enabled. Use this
command if backup is desired only during normal business hours and on specific days of the week. Use the
no form of this command to disable dial-backup (as specified).
Syntax Description
day Sets the days to allow backup (valid Monday through Sunday).
enable-time Sets the time of day to enable backup. Time is entered in 24-hour format (00:00).
disable-time Sets the time of day to disable backup.
Default Values
By default, dial-backup is enabled for all days and times if the dial-backup auto-backup command has
been issued and the dial-backup schedule has not been entered.
Applicable Platforms
This command applies to the NetVanta 1000R, 3000, and 4000 Series units.
Command History
Release 1.1 Command was introduced.
Release 8.1 ATM sub-interface was added.
Usage Examples
The following example enables dial-backup Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 7:00 pm:
(config)#interface atm 1.1
(config-atm 1.1)#dial-backup schedule enable-time 08:00
(config-atm 1.1)#dial-backup schedule disable-time 19:00
(config-atm 1.1)#no dial-backup schedule day Saturday
(config-atm 1.1)#no dial-backup schedule day Sunday