Maintenance Commands 6-11
Octel 200/300 S.4.1PB60019−01
Command Basic Definition
For Digital Networking, to ensure that a mailbox number is unique in a domain,
searches for a mailbox in the local USER Table, local Network Name Table, and
in the uniform numbering plan domain. The command then prints a status
message of the results of each search.
GWLSTAT Review the current status of the OctelAccess server link, to determine
- Whether the OctelAccess server is up or down and if it is down, why is it
- Last time the OctelAccess server was initialized
- Number of open sessions
- Statistics about the number of sessions, new calls pending and number of
gateways established.
HELP Displays the allowable commands for the password level of operation currently
logged in to.
Use this command to enter the message server configuration program, INSTALL.
This program consists of a series of questions that define the Octel 200/300
database. Answers to questions can be selected from a list, a default value, or
created by the installer.
After you have completed the initial INSTALL program, you must enter a
maintenance-level password before the INSTALL program begins.
ISTAT x y Gives the current status of an integration unit, where x is the slot number, and y
is the unit number.
L DMAP Provides information about each drive in the system, including the logical and
physical state of the disk, the vendor, the physical and logical size of the disk,
and the disk key (for example, non-COD or COD). This command can only be
issued after a connection has been made to the VCU software.
LANG Displays the languages installed. When a language is selected, this command lists
the settings for the language. These settings can be modified; however, some
settings require a special set of prompts. The settings that can be modified are:
When Japanese and Korean language prompts are used, you can modify this
option to specify either Japanese or Korean. This is required, so that various
counting and grammar phrases are spoken correctly.
This option is modified to specify whether the message server is configured for
12-hour, or 24-hour clock, or whether the change from a.m. to p.m. occurs at 1:00
for the 12-hour clock mode.
Modify this option to YES to cause the server to speak the date before speaking
the time. For example, “April fifth at 5:00 p.m..”