10-16 Installation and Maintenance Volume
Octel 200/300 S.4.1 PB60019−01
The LIST STATS command gives a count of errors seen by the trunk:
ts_oof_cnt = 0
ts_oof_crc_cnt = 0
ts_lcv_cnt = 0
ts_bit_slip_cnt = 0
ts_crc_fail_cnt = 0
ts_fas_err_cnt = 0
ts_febe_cnt = 0
ts_oof_cas_cnt = 0
COFA cnt = 0
CAS COMFA cnt = 0
HDB3 Detect cnt = 1
PCM Frm Slip cnt = 0
The following gives basic information about the fields for these error counts.
Count for ... * Comments
ts_oof_cnt Out of frame Increments if there is an oof problem.
ts_oof_crc_cnt Change of frame alignment
cyclic redundancy check
Applies when using CRC mode. Increments
when the basic frame is okay but
momentarily could not use CRC.
ts_lcv_cnt Line code violation If this count increments, it likely means
serious problems, probably with the PBX,
which may require maintenance.
ts_bit_slip_cnt Bit slip The clock sync source is out or the
frequency is slightly off.
ts_crc_fail_cnt Cyclic redundancy check fail Intermittent instantaneous errors. There
could be hundreds in a day. This count is
not as serious as the ts_oof_cnt.
ts_fas_err_cnt Frame alignment signal error A frame alignment signal is sent in a basic
pattern of 8,000/second. A count of 1 or 2 a
day does not indicate a problem. A count of
several in an hour indicates a problem.
ts_febe_cnt Far end block error The far end (the PBX) has problems with
the signal it is receiving. There is a high
CRC count being received from the DTIC.
ts_oof_cas_cnt Out of frame channel associated
The voice signal is okay but the system
cannot determine call processing status,
such as whether on-hook or off-hook. Each
incident of this increments the count.