11B-2 Installation and Maintenance Volume
Octel 200/300 S.4.1 PB60019−01
Octel has implemented a subset of the Internet MIB-II Standard. This standard provides access to
low-level TCP/IP and network monitoring information such as
- Number of packets sent and received
- Number of error packets at Ethernet, TCP, SNMP, and UDP levels
- Current UDP socket information
- Current connection information
- SNMP requests and replies
More specifically, Internet MIB-II presents 175 attribute variables in the following nine groups:
. AVAYA has implemented a subset of variables defined in the MIB-II Standard. Contact AVAYA
for a complete list of which variables are supported in the AVAYA implementation.
- System
- Interfaces
- Internet Protocol (IP)
- Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)
- Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
- User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
- Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP)
- Media Specific MIBs
- Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
Refer to the Internet MIB-II Standard Specification for additional information that describes each
variable in detail. The documentation manuals for the SNMP manager software that you are using may
also provide useful information.