Installation and Maintenance Manual Master Index In-1
Octel 200/300 S.4.1PB60019-01
baud rate, 4−21
. (dot) UPDATE prompt, 4−24
: (colon) INSTALL prompt, 4−24
@ (at sign) Operating system prompt, 4−24
+ (plus) auto-increment input aid, 1-6
**Empty**, 2-1, 4−23, 6-13, 7-44
25-pair cable, 3-2, 4−13
connecting, 4−26
32-pin telco connector, 2-2
50-pin telco connector, 2-2
Adaptive Integration, 1-1, 2-1–2-11
Called Party Identification, 2-1
CPI call records, 2-1
enhanced DTMF in-band integration, 2-3
mailbox features available, 2-11
MD110, 14−1
Message Waiting Indication, 2-1
Northern Telecom/NPIC, 13-1
Overture 200/300 proprietary card integrations, 2-5
Overture 200/300 responses to calls
called party identification, 2-10
called party status, 2-9
multicabinet call answering, 2-10
multicabinet messaging, 2-10
RS-232C data link integrations, 2-4
types of, 2-3–2-8
ADD command
collocated analog networking, 11−30
digital networking, 11−20
remote analog networking, 11−13
collocated analog networking, 12−15
digital networking, 12−11
remote analog networking, 12−6
collocated analog networking, 10−7
remote analog networking, 10−4
Adding features. See Electronic feature
Addressing messages, overlapping mailbox addresses
and network prefixes, 2−8
Administrative password, 6-14
AI. See Adaptive Integration
Air exhaust, 2-4, 2-5
Air Filter, 9-1
Air filter, 2-4, 2-5
replacement, 9-50–9-51
Air intake, 2-5
diagnostic, test, 6-39
relays, 8-7
Alarm relays, 2-2
alarm scheduling, for hardware errors, 8-6
Alphabetic name
digital networking, 8−19
OctelNet, 9−8
AMIS analog networking. See Remote analog
networking, AMIS; Remote analog networking,
Protocol 5
Analog networking
multiple network outcalls, 1−3
overview, 1−2–1−7
AMIS, 1−2
collocated, 1−2
gateway, 1−3
OctelNet, 1−3
Voicenet, 1−2
protocols, 1−4–1−6
Analog standby for LAN message delivery, digital
networking, 8−20–8−21
Announce calls to intercept index, INSTALL
program, 1-22
Answering modes, 3-2
APIC. See Serial Integration Card
Application Delays, 6-46–6-63
how to modify, 6-48, 6-57
how tones are recognized, 6-46
modifiable indexes, 6-50–6-57
APURGE command, 6-10
ASCII name. See Alphabetic name
AT&T Definity Adaptive Integration
configuration requirements, 7.1-7
maintenance commands, 7.1-47–7.1-56
AT&T Definity G3 Adaptive Integration, 7.1-1
ATTIC board installation, 7.1-38
Definity G3 configuration
COR, 7.1-9
coverage paths, 7.1-20
hunt group, 7.1-19
naming conventions, 7.1-8
port extensions, 7.1-17