Installation and Maintenance Manual Master Index In-9
Octel 200/300 S.4.1PB60019-01
diagnostic test, 6-43
LIST command, 6-43
FIFO Queuing. See Call Queuing
Log command, Filters, 7-13
FINDMBOX command
digital networking, 6-26, 8−50
messages and descriptions, 6-27, 8−51
Flags, list mailbox, 6-20
FLOPPY command, 6-10
Floppy directory, 12-39
Floppy Disk Drive, 2-15
Floppy disk drive
diagnostics, 6-31
replacement, 9-26–9-28
Floppy diskette drive. See Load/backup device
Floppy drive unit, replacement, 9-29–9-43
Fujitsu Focus 9600 PBX, Adaptive Integration, 4-1
Functional test, PBX, 4−30
Gateway, Protocol 2, 4, and 5, 4−4
Gateway cases, digital networking, message gateway,
Gateway statistics, 6-11
Gateway/tandeming cases, digital networking,
Group fax number, INSTALL program, 1-22
Hard disk drive, 2-16
add, 12-45–12-74
commands, 12-41–12-74
DISKO, 12-44
DSKMAP, 12-42
DSKTST, 12-42
diagnostics, 6-32
maintenance, 9-24
procedures, 12-41–12-69
remove, 12-52
replace, 12-56–12-74
replacement, 9-24–9-26
reset, 4−23
restore, 12-60–12-74
upgrade languages, 12-70–12-74
Hard Disk Redundancy, 2-16
Hard drive status, physical size, 6-33
32-pin teleco connector, Voice 250-i, 2-2
50-pin teleco connector, 2-2
AC to DC conversion, 9-44–9-48
air exhaust, 2-4, 2-5
air filter, 2-4, 2-5
AT&T Integration Card, 2-8
Central Processing Unit, 2-9
description, 2-1–2-33
digital networking, installation, 8−43
Direct Access Card, 2-6
DTIC, 10-1–10-3
Fax Application Processor, 2-7
hard disk drive, 2-16
installation, 4−21–4−23
installation checklist, 4−39
integration cards, 2-8
LAN card, 2-7, 11-1
LAN card hardware kit, 8−1
load/backup device, 2-5, 2-15
Loopstart Line Interface Cards, 2-6
Mitel Integration Card, 2-9
Northern Telecom SL-1 Integration Card, 2-8
Option Control Chip, 2-15
Overture 200 cabinet, 2-3
Overture 200/300 cabinet description, 2-1
Overture 300 fan tray, 2-5
Overture 300 power line filter, 2-4
AT&T, 2-8
NPIC, 2-9
Power Supply Unit, 2-11
replacement, 9-11–9-62
air filter, 9-50–9-51
digital trunk interface card, 9-18
disk drive backplane, 9-57
fan panel, 9-49
fan tray, 9-49–9-50
fax application processor, 9-23
floppy disk drive, 9-26
floppy drive unit, 9-29
hard disk drive, 9-24
integration card, 9-14
line interface card, 9-13
load resistor assembly, 9-59
LAN card, 9-16
local area network card, 9-16
motherboard assembly, 9-51
option control chip, 9-61–9-62
power filter assembly, 9-31–9-43
power supply unit, 9-29
printed circuit assemblies, 9-11
ROLM Integration Card, 2-8
RS-232C Connector, 2-2
Serial Integration Card, Meridian 1, 2-9
system terminal port, 2-1
system/voice disk drives, 2-3, 2-5