Hardware 2-7
Octel 200/300 S.4.1PB60019−01
In the Octel 200 DACs can occupy slots A1 through A6.
In the Octel 300 DACs can occupy slots A1 through A11.
EntryWorks ACP Card
The EntryWorks ACP (application control processor) card directs the Works for Serenade flow
control language. It includes the host interface and the ACP SCSI disk drive control. EntryWorks
requires the following:
- EntryWorks disk drive
- EntryWorks serial I/O panel and cable
- EntryWorks external modem and cable
In the Octel 200 the Works for Serenade must occupy slot A7.
In the Octel 300 the Works for Serenade must occupy slot A12.
Fax Application Processor
The fax application processor transmits and receives fax messages for the Fax Mail Plus feature. The
fax processor contains one or two 4-channel fax daughterboards and supports up to eight
simultaneous fax transactions when both daughterboards are installed. Every fax transmission uses a
voice port in addition to the fax channel. It supports communication with CCITT Group 3 fax
machines. The fax channels operate at transmission rates up to 9600 baud.
In the Octel 200 the fax card can occupy slots A1 through A7. The total number of fax channels
cannot exceed the number of voice ports.
In the Octel 300 the fax card can occupy slots A1 through A12. The total number of fax channels
cannot exceed the number of voice ports.
LAN Card
The LAN card is required for both Remote and Domain Digital Networking, Telnet access for system
administration, the LAN Backup and Restore feature, Telnet access, and when an OA server is linked
with an Octel 200/300 message server. The card interfaces with the Octel 200/300 by means of a 10
Base-T Ethernet interface.
In the Octel 200 the LAN card can occupy slots A5, A6 or A7.
In the Octel 300 the LAN card can occupy slots A10, A11 or A12.