Call Processing Trace Activities 7A-1
Octel 200/300 S.4.1
The types of activities performed during call processing are shown in Table 7A-1, Trace Activity Types.
Events and supplemental activities are show in Table 7A-2, EVENT and AUX Activities in the
Call-Process Trace Log.
Table 7A-1 Trace Activity Types
PORT Port activity
FAX_CHN Fax channel activity
FAX_MSG Fax message activity
MBX Mailbox activity
MSG Message activity
NET_MSG Network message activity
LAN_IN Request received by this server from the LAN
LAN_OUT Request sent from this server to the LAN
LAN_MSG Message activity initiated by the LAN
LANLOST LAN lost communication
LANSYNC LAN synchronized communication
LAN_CTY Courtesy operation (UP or DOWN specified in the EVENT column)
ONT_IN OctelNet (Protocol 5) packet received by this server
ONT_OUT OctelNet (Protocol 5) packet sent by this server
ONT_ERR OctelNet (Protocol 5) protocol error occurred
NAM_DIR Dial-by-Name Directory activity
INTG_C Card-based integration record, including MIC, RIC, ATTIC, SL1, and M1 integrations
INTG_CA Card-based ANI integration record
INTG_R RS-232C integration record
INTG_D DTMF integration record
LINK_AP Application-control-processor link activity
AP Application-control-processor mailbox activity (e.g., message waiting)
VSA Octel Mailbox Managert activity
XFREXTFWD Log the transfer to forwarded extension
DIRMSGACC Log direct message access