DTIC 10-9
Octel 200/300 S.4.1PB60019−01
After the installation and configuration of the DTIC is complete and the system has been restarted, verify
whether phone calls can be placed by simply calling the system on one of the DTIC voice mail ports. If
the call is successful (you get the voice mail greeting and there is no popping or buzzing indicating clock
sync problems), the DTIC installation is successful.
If phone calls cannot be placed to the message server, several commands help in troubleshooting the
DTIC card. The following subsection lists these commands. Following that are subsections giving a series
of problems with possible solutions to help in troubleshooting the system.
The CONNECT command logs onto the DTIC card. At the @ prompt, enter
where x is the slot number of the DTIC. The following message appears:
Connecting to E1 in slot
These status commands give information about the status of the trunks, card, and ports:
- ST TR gives the status of the trunks.
- ST CARD gives the status of the DTIC card.
- ST x, where x is a port number (1−30), gives the status of that port.
- LIST STATS gives a count of errors seen by the trunk.
. Putting a c after any status command repeats the status indefinitely to the terminal until the ESC
key is pressed. For example, ST 1 C causes the status of port 1 to be updated continually, rather
than giving the status only one time.
To exit from the DTIC, at the dtic> prompt, enter
The following message appears:
Disconnecting from E1.