11B-6 Installation and Maintenance Volume
Octel 200/300 S.4.1 PB60019−01
SNMP Query Tracing
When an SNMP query is received by an Octel 200/300, the event is logged in the CP trace. Each type of
query has an identifying number that appears in the AUX field of the CP trace.
Identifying Number
CPT Trace Logged To
001 Digital Network Performance Report or System Configuration
002 Digital Network Traffic Report
003 Hardware Error Table
Following is an example of a CP trace:
Specify Print Option(s):
Filters: PR TY EV AU MB MS SL UN LI SO D1 D2 D3 D4 D5
>s94 09 08 14 45 ev snmp
D1 D2 D3 D4 D5
09/08/94 14:45:37 LAN_IN SNMP_QRY 001
09/08/94 14:45:37 LAN_OUT SNMP_SND 001
09/08/94 14:45:43 LAN_IN SNMP_QRY 002
09/08/94 14:45:43 LAN_OUT SNMP_SND 002
09/08/94 14:45:48 LAN_IN SNMP_QRY 002
09/08/94 14:45:48 LAN_OUT SNMP_SND 002
09/08/94 14:46:28 LAN_IN SNMP_QRY 002
09/08/94 14:46:28 LAN_OUT SNMP_SND 002
09/08/94 14:47:59 LAN_IN SNMP_QRY 003
09/08/94 14:47:59 LAN_OUT SNMP_SND 003
09/08/94 14:48:04 LAN_IN SNMP_QRY 003
09/08/94 14:48:04 LAN_OUT SNMP_SND 003
09/08/94 14:48:10 LAN_IN SNMP_QRY 003
09/08/94 14:48:10 LAN_OUT SNMP_SND 003
09/08/94 14:48:15 LAN_IN SNMP_QRY 003
09/08/94 14:48:15 LAN_OUT SNMP_SND 003
Type 1 queries produce a single CPT entry. Type 2 queries produce one entry per network location
configured with. Type 3 queries produce one entry more than the number of error entries.
SNMP Private MIB Information Refresh
In the Octel 200/300, the LAN card maintains a local copy of private MIB information. The LAN card
updates this copy with new information from the CPU at intervals of 2 minutes
When the SNMP manager queries the LAN card for private MIB information, the LAN card responds
immediately from its local copy. The MIB information sent may not reflect changes that have occurred in
the last two minutes, until the LAN card refreshes its copy from the CPU.