7-20 Installation and Maintenance Volume
Octel 200/300 S.4.1 PB60019−01
Other LOG Examples
In this example, use the LOG PR CPT command to print all entries in the CPT trace log for messages
being deferred for mailbox 4999 from 11:00 a.m., July 8, 2000, to 3:00 p.m., July 9, 2000.
Specify Print Option(s):
“S”tart <time>, “E”nd <time>, “L”ine <length>, “p”age <length> “\”
Filters: PR TY EV AU MB MS SL UN LI SO D1 D2 D3 D4 D5
>EV DEFERRED MB 4999 S 00 7 8 11 E 00 7 9 15
In this example, use the LOG PR CPT command to print all entries in the CPT trace log for integration
slot 9, unit 1, link 2 starting July 10, 2999, at 12:30:45, and continuing:
Specify Print Option(s):
“S”tart <time>, “E”nd <time>, “L”ine <length>, “p”age <length> “\”
Filters: PR TY EV AU MB MS SL UN LI SO D1 D2 D3 D4 D5
>TY intg sl 09 un 1 lt 2 \
>S 00 7 10 12 30 45 C
. The “\” in the example illustrates the use of the continuation character to show that the command
continues onto another line.
Displaying Types of Events and Supplemental (AUX) Activities
Refer to Appendix A at the end of this chapter for a list of the events and AUX activities that can be
displayed in a Call Process Trace log. With the LOG command, any of these events and AUX activities
can be filtered.