Using MediCal Pro 100
Automatic Contrast / Brightness
If checked, this function uses the Ambient Light Compensation option to
control Contrast and Brightness automatically.
In that case, the Contrast and Brightness will be set depending on the
ambient light around the display.
This function is grayed if the Ambient Light Compensation option is not
installed in the display.
Contrast & Brightness sliders
If Automatic Contrast / Brightness is not checked, you can control Contrast
& Brightness manually by moving the sliders.
Brightness control affects all the luminance levels of the image, from the
dark background to the peak white parts of the image.
Contrast control does not change the background and darkest parts. It
changes the difference in luminance between the background and the
lighter parts of the image.
Clicking on the Contrast (Brightness) icon left of the sliders, puts the
Contrast (Brightness) control in calibrated position. This is the preferred
Luminance Uniformity Correction on/off
This function is available for BARCO displays only.
In the Configuration section in the main window, right-click on the icon of
the display of which you wish to switch LUC on or off.