First installation 63
Let us again suppose that the Measure Quality Level task is scheduled
weekly, on Thursday at 10 PM.
Let us also suppose the trigger settings for this task are set to: "When the
screen saver is activated".
On Thursday at 10.00 PM, a doctor is working on the workstation, viewing
medical images. The task becomes due, because it was scheduled that
way. However, the task does not start to run yet, because the screen
saver is not activated.
At 10.45, the doctor stops, does not log off, and leaves the workstation.
The workstation' s screen saver is set to wait 15 minutes. So, at 11.00 PM,
the screen saver is activated. At that time, the task will start.
You cannot set trigger settings per task, but per category of tasks.
Third condition: If a user is logged in
Intervention-free tasks and non-intervention-free tasks (see task
categories) will not start when no user is logged in, even if they are due
and the trigger settings are true.
2.12 Running the due tasks
To complete the installation, it is important to run the due Q/A tasks for
the first time. Therefore, click on the Q/A Check... button in the main
For more information, please refer to “Description of the tasks” on
page 79.