Using MediCal Pro 68
3.3 Changing passwords
When you have logged in as advanced user, you can change the
advanced user password.
To change the advanced user password:
1 From the main window, press Alt-A on the keyboard or select Tools –
Options – User Login... from the menus. Your user name is still filled
out in the User name field.
2Click on Change Password.
3 In field Old password, fill in the current password.
4 In fields New password and Re-enter new password, fill in the new
5Click on OK. The password is changed.
6 The Login dialog appears again. Click on Cancel to continue as
advanced user, or log in as standard user.
3.4 Calibrating displays
The calibration of the displays is a very important issue. Calibration is
necessary to obtain conformance and to maintain consistency. It is
inevitable during Configuration setup and may be necessary as
intervention when a Q/A check turns out to be Not OK.
You can calibrate Barco displays and non-Barco displays, but the
procedure for both categories is different.
MediCal Pro supports the following sensors for calibration: Barco LCD
sensor, Barco Serial Sensor, X-Rite DTP92 (serial and USB), Wellhofer Luxor
LXPlus, Solar PMA2200, Minolta LS100, Verilum CPOD (serial and USB) and
Tektronix TJ17. Also the BARCO I-Guard sensor inside BARCO flat panel
displays is supported.
The displays must be warmed up for at least 5 minutes before starting
To start calibration:
• Calibration starts automatically after defining a new, uncalibrated
Preset or after modifying a Preset.