First installation 24
Click on the Browse... button if you want to change this directory. Click
on the Next> button to continue.
10 Choose the setup type that corresponds to the viewing station on
which MediCal Pro is installed: A system with CRT displays or with flat
panel displays.
11 Select the program folder where you wish to add the program icons.
Click on Next> to continue.
12 The installer program now starts to install the files at the appropriate
The application MediCal Pro Startup is also installed. It is installed in
the Startup folder. This application ensures the gamma is set properly
when starting the system.
13 Please register the version of MediCal Pro. Therefore, click on Yes in
the Register window.
If you have an Internet connection, you will be redirected
automatically to a web page for registration. Please fill in the
requested data and register.
14 Select Yes, I want to restart my computer now and click on Finish to
complete the setup.
Uninstalling MediCal Pro
To remove MediCal Pro from your system, proceed as follows:
1 You must have Administrator privileges to uninstall the software.
2 Exit MediCal Pro.
3From the Start menu, select Settings > Control Panel.
4 Double-click on the Add/Remove Programs icon.
5 Select MediCal Pro from the list box at the bottom of the Add/Remove
Program Properties dialog.
6 Click on the Change/Remove... button.
7 Follow the instructions on the screen.
2.4 Starting up for the first time
MediCal Pro start-up
To start MediCal Pro, proceed as follows:
1 If the viewing station contains Barco displays, make sure there is no
on-screen display (OSD) on the screen of the displays. Please refer to
the display’s user manual to know how to do this.
2 Start MediCal Pro from the Start > Programs > MediCal Pro menu in
3 If no license key was entered during installation, MediCal Pro prompts
to enter the license key now. Enter a valid license number and click on