Introduction 16
Remove Display
Remove a display icon from the configuration.
Check which imaging board head is connected
to the selected display. The number of the head
will appear on the selected display.
Define targets for white level, black level and
display function, and store them in a preset.
Start display calibration immediately
Control Contrast and Brightness manually or
automatically, by means of Ambient Light Com-
pensation if present. The function is grayed if
not available on the display.
Remove remaining magnetism from the dis-
play’s metal parts. Is only applicable to BARCO
CRT displays.
Align display geometry, white uniformity,
focus, etc. Is applicable to BARCO CRT displays
Luminance Uniformity
Check this option to activate the Luminance
Uniformity Correction.
This system, if calibrated by means of “Full
Screen Calibration” (see below), ensures a uni-
form luminance, even in the corners of the pic-
ture tube.
This function is applicable to some BARCO dis-
plays only.
This function is grayed if the function is not
available on the display.
Full Screen Calibration This function starts with a luminance measure-
ment in the center of the screen. It proceeds
with calibration in a number of zones over the
picture tube, to obtain the same luminance in
each of the zones.
The function is applicable to some BARCO dis-
plays only.
The function is grayed if not available on the