Using MediCal Pro 98
Imaging board properties
Display Number The order number of the display
Software Number The order number of the display’s internal software
(BARCO displays only)
Software version The version of the display’s internal software (BARCO
displays only)
Lifetime The time (in hours) the display has been operating so
far (BARCO displays only)
Scan Mode The scan mode, internally selected from the display’s
memory (BARCO displays only)
Check this option to switch on the Orbiter. The option
is grayed if not applicable to the selected display.
Check this option to switch on the Power Saving util-
ity (DPMS). The option is grayed if not applicable to
the selected display.
Remote Address
The internal address of the selected display (BARCO
displays only). Each display connected to the same
computer must have a different address.
The addresses must be set with the display’s internal
Remote Timeout
The time after which the display interrupts communi-
cation with the computer should the computer not
respond anymore (e.g., is “crashed”).
Applicable to BARCO displays only.