First installation 51
To adjust the astigmatism:
1 In the adjustment dialog, select the zone you want to adjust by
clicking on the corresponding number in the “Zone-selection” area.
The corresponding zone of the test image is highlighted.
2 Gently drag the Static Focus slider completely to the right (maximum
adjustment). The highlighted zone of the test image is completely out
of focus. As a result, the lines of the test pattern have diverged, so
that they now look like thick gray lines.
3 Adjust Axial Astigmatism until the horizontal and vertical lines of the
test pattern have the same width.
4 Adjust Diagonal Astigmatism until the ascending and descending
diagonal lines have the same width.
5 Pick the Static Focus slider and drag it approximately 1/3 of the slider
bar length to the left. The lines of the pattern become narrower. Now
repeat the Axial and Diagonal astigmatism adjustments.
6 Repeat step no. 5 two times more. The lines in the test pattern
become smaller with each step. In this way, the adjustments become
more and more accurate.
7 Click on the Reset button next to the Static Focus adjustment to bring
the focus back again.
8 Proceed to the following zone until all 25 zones are completed.
Focus can be adjusted separately in 9 zones. You must start with the
center zone, followed by the zones around the center. The corners should
be the last zones you adjust.
During focus adjustment, a text test pattern is displayed on the display
you are adjusting. The pattern contains white text on a black background
and black text on a white background. The best focus setting in each zone
will be a compromise between the appearance of the white text and the
appearance of the black text.
To adjust the focus:
1 In the adjustment dialog, select the zone you want to adjust by
clicking on the corresponding number in the “Zone-selection” area.
The test image appears in the corresponding zone.
2 One of both Focus adjustment sliders is active. Adjust until the focus is
good for both text styles (white on black and black on white).
3 Proceed to the next zone until all 9 zones are completed.
Astigmatism (fine adjustment)
As final step in the alignment, fine-tune the astigmatism in the 25 zones
of the screen, using the black-on-white and white-on-black text pattern.