Using MediCal Pro 101
From the drop-down menu that appears, select Luminance Uniformity
The Luminance Uniformity Correction system, if calibrated by means of
“Full Screen Calibration” (see below), ensures a uniform luminance, even
in the corners of the picture tube.
This function is grayed if the function is not available on the display.
Full Screen Calibration
This function starts with a normal calibration in the center of the
screen. It proceeds with calibration in a number of zones over the picture
Please refer to “Full screen calibration” on page 71 for more information.
The function is grayed if not available on the display.
Degaussing displays
This function is available for color CRT BARCO displays only.
In the Configuration section in the main window, right-click on the icon of
the display you wish to degauss.
From the drop-down menu that appears, select Degauss.