Using MediCal Pro 96
Display Details: Flat panel displays
Screen width The width of the visible display screen. The unit of
length can be selected in the Application Settings
Gray scale: This option is checked if the software has detected
the display is a grayscale display (BARCO displays
only) or if the user has defined the display as a gray-
scale display during the configuration setup.
CRT/Flat panel: Whether the display is a CRT or flat panel type.
Details: (BARCO displays only) Click to get additional informa-
tion about the display and activate / deactivate some
additional features (see below).
Display Number The order number of the display
Software Number The order number of the display’s internal soft-
ware (BARCO displays only)
Lifetime The time (in hours) the display has been operat-
ing so far, including the time the display was
switched in power-saving mode (BARCO displays
Runtime The time (in hours) the display has been operat-
ing so far, excluding the time the display was
switched in power-saving mode (BARCO displays