Using MediCal Pro 72
Make sure the sensor is completely covered (so that no light can enter
the sensor) and click on OK.
2 Put the sensor, with Ambient Light Shield if appropriate, on the image
on the screen.
Make sure there are no application windows or other items (e.g., the
cursor) displayed under the sensor. They would cause the calibration
to fail.
When ready, click on OK.
3 For sensors that have an ambient light shielding only: If you have
specified an absolute value for black and white luminance in the
Preset, and the Ambient Light Compensation option is checked, the
software asks you to remove the sensor from the screen and put it
back without Ambient Light Shield.
When ready, click on OK.
After a few measurements, the software asks to remove the sensor
once more, and put it back with the Ambient Light Shield.
When ready, click on OK.