Chapter 3 43
Printing From A Memory Card
4 Use [ ] or [ ] to select <Photo Index Sheet print>, then press [OK].
5 Use [ ] or [ ] to select the range of photographs to print on the Photo Index
z If you select <Print all photos>:
(1) Go to step 6.
z If you select <Set no. of copies>:
(1) Press [OK].
(2) Use [ ] or [ ] to select how many recent photographs to print, then press [OK].
(3) Go to step 6.
z If you select <Search>:
(1) Press [OK].
(2) Use [ ] or [ ] to select the first recorded date of photographs you want to print, then
press [OK].
(3) Use [ ] or [ ] o select the last recorded date of photographs you want to print, then
press [OK].
(4) Go to step 6.
<Print all photos>: Prints all image data stored on the memory card.
<Set no. of copies>: Prints image data stored on the memory card in chronological order
beginning with the most recently recorded date.
<Search>: Prints image data stored on the memory card according to a specified
range of recorded dates.