1. In the ROR console management software tree, right-click the target management software, and select [Delete] from the popup
The [Delete Resource] dialog is displayed.
2. Click <OK>.
The target management software is deleted.
9.7 Clearing the Power Monitoring Environment
This section explains how to clear the power monitoring environment.
Clearing the power monitoring environment is done by deleting power monitoring targets.
For details on how to release collection settings, refer to "7.8.2 Canceling Collection Settings for Power Monitoring Environments".
9.7.1 Deleting Power Monitoring Devices
This section explains how to delete power monitoring devices.
Use the following procedure to delete power monitoring devices:
1. In the ROR console power monitoring devices tree, right-click the target power monitoring device and select [Delete] from the
popup menu.
The [Delete Resource] dialog is displayed.
2. Click <OK>.
The target power monitoring devices are deleted from the tree view.
9.8 Deleting Admin LAN Subnets
This section explains how to delete admin LAN subnets.
Use the following procedure to delete an admin LAN subnet.
1. From the ROR console menu, select [Settings]-[Admin LAN Subnet].
The [Admin LAN Subnet] dialog is displayed.
2. Select the subnet to delete.
3. Click <Delete>.
The [Delete Admin LAN Subnet] dialog is displayed.
4. Click <OK>.
The target subnet information is deleted.
When an admin LAN subnet is deleted, the simplified DHCP service for Resource Orchestrator will be disabled.
In this case, either use the OS standard DHCP service that was enabled when the admin LAN subnet was registered, or perform re-
installation after uninstalling the manager.
It is not possible to delete the information of subnets which have managed servers registered.
Before deleting subnet information, delete all managed servers that have been registered on the relevant subnet.
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