Popup Menu
Menu Submenu
Update - Updates management software information.
Modify Registration Settings Modifies registration settings for management software.
Table A.14 Popup Menus Available for Network Devices
Popup Menu
Menu Submenu
Unregister -
Deregisters the selected network devices from a resource
Update -
Obtains and updates the information on the selected
network devices.
Move Resources -
Moves the selected network devices to another resource
Maintenance Mode
Set Places a server into maintenance mode.
Release Releases maintenance mode.
External Management
Starts the management screen (Web console) provided
by the network device.
Table A.15 Popup Menus Available for the Orchestration Tree
Popup Menu
Menu Submenu
Creates a resource folder.
Tenant Create tenants.
Pool Creates a resource pool.
L-Server Create an L-Server.
Powers on all L-Servers in a resource folder.
OFF Powers off all L-Servers in a resource folder.
Reboot Reboots all L-Servers in a resource folder.
Table A.16 Popup Menus Available for Resource Pools (VM Hosts, Servers, Storage, and Images)
Popup Menu
Menu Submenu
Register Resources - Registers a resource to the selected resource pool.
Unregister Resources - Unregisters resources from the selected resource pool.
Move Resources - Moves registered resources in the selected resource pool
to another resource pool.
Delete - Deletes the specified resource pool.
Change Settings Basic Information Modifies a resource pool's registration settings.
Move to Folder -
Moves the specified resource pool and all resources
registered there.
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