
Click <Add NIC Group> to add a NIC Group.
Click <Delete NIC Group> to delete a NIC Group.
Select a NIC index to configure as the NIC redundancy group. Two NICs must be specified for the group.
Enter the NIC information, and click <Next>.
d. Enter the disk information.
Enter the disk capacity.
Enter a number in the following range:
0.1 to 2048
Clicking <Add> adds a disk.
Clicking <Delete> deletes a disk.
Up to 60 disk indexes can be added, in the range between 0 to 59.
Connection Configuration
Select a disk type.
- FC
When "FC" is selected for the connection type, clicking <Add> adds a disk. The disk can be deleted by clicking <Delete>
Enter the disk information and click <Next>.
e. Enter the information on server redundancy, alive monitoring, and boot location.
Select a server redundancy to be allocated to the L-Server.
Select "HA" when enabling redundancy.
Select "None" when not enabling redundancy.
Alive monitoring
Configure alive monitoring as enabled or disabled.
Specify whether to release the server allocated to the L-Server when the power is turned off.
When not configuring repurpose, select " ".
When automatically releasing a server, select "true".
When not automatically releasing a server, select "false".
" " is selected by default.
Selection method for spare servers
Specify the selection method of spare servers.
When not configuring the method, select " ".
Select "name_order", when selecting a server from the servers with the same model name in alphabetical order.
When selecting a server with the same or higher level of performance values, or a server with the least difference in the
performance levels, select "keep_spec".
" " is selected by default.
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