
- Section Name
Enter [Memo] as the section name.
This is required when registering the labels, comments, and contact information (displayed in BladeViewer) using the pre-configuration
- Section Header
Enter the desired operation for the current line. Enter a hyphen ("-") to skip this line.
Enter the type of the resource for which to set this memo. Enter one of the following.
- When a physical server including a VM host is specified
- When a VM guest is specified
- When contact information is specified
Enter the name of the resource name for which to set this memo. Enter one of the following.
- When "resource_type" is "physical_server"
Enter one of the following.
- Server name ("server_name" of [ServerAgent] section)
- VM host name ("server_name" of [ServerVMHost] section)
- When "resource_type" is "vm_guest"
Enter the registered VM guest name
- When "resource_type" is "common"
Do not enter any characters.
label (optional)
This label is used to identify the applications running on each server. Enter up to 32 alphanumeric characters or symbols (ASCII
characters 0x20 to 0x7e). Note that if the value of "resource_type" is "common", do not enter anything.
Line breaks ("\n") are not available.
comment (optional)
This is a comment that can be set as an option for each application. If the "resource_type" is "common", this can be used for the
contact details, maintenance information, or other information. Enter up to 256 alphanumeric characters or symbols (ASCII
characters 0x20 to 0x7e).
B.4 Examples of CSV Format
This section shows an example of the system configuration file in the CSV format.
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