Chapter 3 Configuring Users for Infrastructure
Only users with the infrastructure administrator, tenant administrator, or administrator role can create user accounts.
For details on operation methods by a tenant administrator, refer to "Chapter 10 Tenant" in the "User's Guide for Tenant Administrators
3.1 Registering User Accounts
This section explains how to register user accounts of infrastructure administrators.
Use the following procedure to register a user account on the [Resource] tab of the ROR console:
1. Check the user information registered in the directory service.
- If user registration to the directory service is to be performed
Check if user information is registered in the directory service. If the user information is registered in the directory service, it
cannot be registered in Resource Orchestrator.
- If user registration to the directory service is not to be performed
Check if user information is registered in the directory service. If the user information has not been registered in the directory
service, register it before proceeding further.
This operation is not necessary when using internal authentication in Basic mode.
2. In the ROR console, select [Settings]-[User Accounts].
The [User Accounts] dialog is displayed.
3. Click <Add>.
The [Add User Account] dialog is displayed.
4. Set the following:
User ID
When user registration to the directory service is to be performed
The name must start with an alphabetic character and can be up to 32 alphanumeric characters long (including underscores,
"_", hyphens, "-", and periods, ".").
When user registration to the directory service is not to be performed
Specify a user ID registered in the directory service.
For Basic Mode
- When using authentication by directory services, or when using Single Sign-On
Specify a user ID registered in the directory service.
- When using internal authentication
The name must start with an alphabetic character and can be up to 32 alphanumeric characters long (including underscores,
"_", hyphens, "-", and periods, "."). Please note that user names are case-sensitive.
Password (Confirm password)
This is only displayed when registering the user in the directory service, or for Basic mode, when internal authentication is used.
When user registration to the directory service is to be performed
Specify a string using up to 64 alphanumeric characters or symbols.
For Basic Mode
Enter a string using up to 16 alphanumeric characters or symbols.
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