
Network Pool
Name (Label)
The name used to identify the resource pool is displayed.
The path to the location of the folder or the tenant in which a resource pool is stored is displayed.
The priority of the resource pool is displayed.
Resource Number
The number of resources registered in the resource pool is displayed.
IP Address Number(Unused/Total)
The number of IP addresses of the network resources registered in the resource pool.
Address Pool
Name (Label)
The name used to identify the resource pool is displayed.
The path to the location of the folder or the tenant in which a resource pool is stored is displayed.
The priority of the resource pool is displayed.
Resource Number
The number of resources registered in the resource pool is displayed.
Number Of Address
The number of addresses of the address set registered in the resource pool is displayed.
Image Pool
Name (Label)
The name used to identify the resource pool is displayed.
The path to the location of the folder or the tenant in which a resource pool is stored is displayed.
The priority of the resource pool is displayed.
Resource Number
The number of resources registered in the resource pool is displayed.
A.11 Template List
This section describes the template list displayed in the ROR console.
A list of registered L-Server templates is displayed.
<Create> is displayed for users with a role that allows L-Server creation. When <Create> is clicked, the [Create an L-Server] dialog is
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